Embracing Transitions: Navigating Life's Changes
January 16, 2024
Embracing Transitions: Navigating Life's Changes
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Navigating through life's transitions can be a daunting task. From witnessing our children's rapid leap into adolescence to facing the reality of our own aging, change is a relentless force that can leave us feeling ungrounded. Fear not, we're here to guide you through these turbulent times. On this week's episode, Marlena, Jamie, and Christy, share their personal journeys of accepting change and growing through life's many shifts. 

We tackle the challenges of parenting preteens and teenagers and the emotional turmoil that comes with it. As our children bloom into their own unique selves, it's common to grapple with the fear of letting go. We'll share our struggles, fears, and how we found courage amidst it all. We'll also touch on the milestones that come with having a teenager - think first job and starting periods, and how to navigate these with grace and ease. 

As we age, we encounter a new set of challenges. Approaching 50 brings about a mix of emotions, from anticipation to fear. We delve into this topic, and the lack of support women often face during menopause. To wrap up, we share how we've learned to let go, trust the universe, and embrace the flow of life. This episode is a heartfelt conversation filled with personal stories, discussions, and insights to light your path as you navigate through life's inevitable changes. Don't miss it!

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Welcome to this week's episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. You are here with Christy and Jamie and Marlena. And it's the three of us today, we are going to talk about embracing change, and navigating life's transitions. This was a topic that Jamie brought up. And so I'm very excited to dive in. And I don't know what are you really? I don't know. I don't know if I'll have anything like any advice? Because I feel like I'm just constantly navigating. And I don't know if I'm doing it well or not. But you know, we'll see. We'll get there. So yeah, so it's us three today. Thank you for joining us, as always, and we're like happy to be back. I remember. Yeah, it's great. Thank you.


Yeah, yes, this was another brainchild of Marlena is she had her list of ideas. And I was as I was reading them, I'm like, What? What is hitting me what's resonating with me, and that one just really stuck out with all the things going on in life right now.


So I think we're all kind of going through that right now. Just you know, transitioning as we're going, you know, a lot of weird things taking place. But that's really what life is about, isn't it? I mean, you know, we're constantly changing. We're constantly growing. And that's the thing about change is that it is a catalyst for growth. But it's fucking scary.


Yeah, yeah. And I am very resistant to change, I get very happy in my little, just my every day, this is how it goes. And it takes a lot for me to usually it takes a lot for me to, like, shift into a growth mindset. Right? Yeah, it's a difficult thing for me.


And it's a different growth, right, like we talked about on the show our spiritual journeys, growing in that nature of, you know, finding ourselves a little bit more centered and connecting. And so this is, I feel like this topic is a change, but not one that we embrace as much as spiritual journey.


Is it? Is it really different? Because I mean, as we grow spiritually, aren't we already changing? You know, we're changing our mindset, we're changing how we're thinking about things. We're opening our minds up to more information. So I don't really see that as any different. It's just in spirituality, we look at it as evolving in our, you know, 3d human lives, we see it as big scary change. So I think if we were to actually look at that change as evolving, you know, it might be a little less scary, but it takes me a minute switch the mind to actually get there.


Yeah, but like just reframing it, right. You're just reframing it. Yeah. I like that.


Because yeah,


I think about like, in spiritually, like you're raising your vibrations, and really, you could raise your vibrations and anything, not just in your spiritual life. And hopefully, if you're raising it in your spiritual life, your vibrations are being raised in your normal life.


100% Because mind body spirit, no, right? It's all intertwined. If one's not aligned, then you're out of balance, and change. It's either way of putting us into balance, or knocking us the fuck out of it.


And I think I think that's where I am right now. And it has knocked me the fuck out of balance with the changes of this era of my life as a woman, as a mom. As a wife, it's been a true shift for me into this new time period. And I I'm working on evolving, because it's not going well, to say the least. I've had lengthy I mean, Marlena had a lengthy conversation the other night we had a lot of catching up to do and it was it was just kind of like diarrhea of the mouth just porn out like words of everything and I'm really struggling as a mom right now with my kids growing up. I'm approaching the teenagers with both children one's a teen one is pretty much a teen but preteen. And I find myself wanting to revert back to the toddler years or the kid years because as much as I wanted them to grow up when they were little, it's it's less scary.


It's safe,


it's comfortable, it's safe. It's you know, I'm more concerned about okay, are they are they safe outside playing versus my kids going to be driving and seeing it and be okay driving and navigating the car by himself and relationships and my daughter's body is changing and evolving. I'm working on evolving with this and it's it's been a struggle and I'm, I'm I'm working on the navigation process. And I think for me It's literally just taking it one day at a time, one moment at a time, one situation at a time. And really focusing back to my, my center, you know, knowing in my core that things are going to be okay trusting more in the universe is I'm trying to always and calling on my, my spirit guides and my angels to just, you know, help me stay centered helped me listen to my gut in these situations, because sometimes your natural reaction isn't, or your first reaction isn't the best. So just really trying to stay centered in these moments for me, but that's been a, that's been a tough one right now is this era with my kids.


I know, that was a tough time for me with Alexis, and the teen years. I mean, not to say it's any easier. But at the same time, like with Alexis, I also had to feel, or I had to deal with the change of them just not being around as much and not wanting to spend time with us and things like that. So, you know, one of the things that I had to do was find things that I can do for myself and start putting me first because of all of their life, I put them first I put Alexis first, and then I put Vince first. And so I've been more focused on myself, and then also focused on my relationship with Vince. And so you know, kind of changing it that perspective, a little bit of, yes, Alexis is changing and turning into an adult, but I'm trying to find ways to change my mindset on it and turn the focus somewhere else to be able to deal with it. But and also, the change of my kid doesn't need me. I mean, my kid really does need me, let's be real. But, you know, my kid doesn't need me as much, or having to do the stepping back and being like, Okay, I need Alexis to start making their own decisions, which was tough for me. But now I'm just kind of like, figure it out. I don't know.


let me know how that turns out. Yeah.


Let me know what you figure out.


Yeah. And I'm have a preteen, who's pretty much teenager, and I feel like, I don't want to revert to the toddler years, because he's back there.


Feel like we've already returned to threes, where like, it's just big emotions. And we don't know how to handle these big emotions. And we don't know what's going on with our body. And like, you know, just like, we're, we're back there. And that was a very challenging time for me, as a mom. And I'm like, I have no, I don't want to revisit this. Do we have to revisit this? Is this really what we're doing? And it is, it's, I have to embrace that. Yeah. And, man, like, I guess I went into parenting boys just not thinking about puberty, to be honest. I mean, I've never had to think about boys and pee. Right? Really, I mean, I'm a girl. And so like, kind of just, it didn't come out of nowhere, but it felt like it came out of nowhere. And I was like, completely unprepared for it. And I'm like, Who the fuck is you know, and how people were like, I look at my kid and go, like, who are you? Like, where did you go? Like, where did my kid go? You know? And luckily, we're not there. But he just tests me just like a three year old one right there just pushing your buttons and testing their limits and testing their boundaries. And, you know, except now he has words and like full sentences and actually, like cohesive thoughts sometimes that I'm like, How do I argue with that? Okay, well, you know, so yes, I am also evolving as a mother and I'm trying to become a better mom and navigate these hormonal hormonal outbursts. Because it's a lot like it's, it's no joke, really.


And I think maybe other people can relate to this too when I say this, but when I look at like, why am I really struggling with this? Yes, it's a big, scary world. It was a big, scary world. When we were growing up. It's much different now. But it's still big and scary. And as parents, we have to work through that with our children. But when I really look inside and think, why am I struggling so bad? I think I feel like I grew up too fast in my teen years. Yeah, you know, started working really young because I wanted to make my own money. I didn't want my mom to have to buy the things that I wanted. You know, I wanted to drive one day, I knew I had to pay for gas and insurance and all that stuff. One of the topics that Chad and I my husband had been discussing is our son getting a job. And there's a big part of me that's like, yes, yes. I mean, I've been I was working in high school my whole life. school career pretty much, why shouldn't he get a job? He absolutely should get a job. And then there's a part of me that says, What if he can just be a kid for two more years? He's going to work the rest of his life.,


Okay, but have you guys discussed it with your son? Because here's the thing, you know, he is at an age where, you know, you want him to start making decisions on his own. So yeah, is that something that you guys have discussed with them?


We have, and I think he's kind of middle of the road, he gets very, like, excited about looking for a job and you know, applies for things and then it kind of fizzles out. And then he, oh, oh, this place is hiring, you know, I'm gonna apply there. So he's looking, he does want to work. He does want to make his own money. I just think my husband's pushing it a little bit more than me. And then I'm like, I'm in limbo, because there's a part of me that's like, yes, if he wants to do this, yes, it helps him gain some independence and some responsibility and, you know, breaking into the work world. And then there's just that other side of me that's like, hey, you know, two more years, and he's going to work for the rest of his life. You know, can we just give him this? Like, can we give him this? So I think when I really look at it, I just feel like I grew up too fast. And if I can give my kid just a couple more years of making that decision, or not, just leaving it on the table, right? You know, I'm, I'm okay with it. And I, my husband's like, nope, like, my son will come downstairs. Hey, Dad, I'm gonna make a sandwich. Do you have bread? And did you buy some? Like, it's just, you know, smartest comments like that. So that's where I think it comes from for me, when it comes to my struggles with my kids growing up, and I'm looking at my daughter, who I mean, we can just talk about this. She's a very young age and started her period. And those emotions come in, like, shit. Here we go. 40 years, little girl. Have fun with this. Like, again, it's the whole idea of it's too fast. It's too much too fast. And I think that's where the core of it comes from me with my issues, and really trying to evolve with this. I'm struggling, but I'm getting there. I think someone can relate to that out there in the podcast land. So yeah,


well, I mean, maybe and again, switching mindset, why not use your fear, to practice courage, like letting go a little bit. And I'm not saying let go. I'm just saying, trying to find different ways of making it a little bit easier, because to me, that's what change is. That's why it's so scary. You're comfortable in a certain space, whether it's a good space, or even a toxic space, you know, that fear of change that you have where you're like, I don't want to move forward. But I don't want to go back. Or maybe you do want to go back because it's familiar. You know, and so I think that's why you also want to listen, sorry, I'm like, I'm just in Dr. Phil mode.


To let me go lay down on the back now.


It's just easier for me to talk about this, because I just went through this just a short minute ago. Yeah. But you know, just again, changing that mindset, you know, a lot of the people that we've spoken to, on our podcast, they're like, you know, turn the diamond a little bit and look at that perspective, that different perspective. And I think that like with the kids, at some point, you kind of gotta let them start making decisions for themselves. I know for a Lexus. I've constantly made decisions for them and did everything for them. And I'm like, you are going to be a horrible adult. Because you can't boil water. You can't do laundry, you don't know how to clean your room, like, you know, because I did everything. And


be a horrible adult.


And my mom's fault. That's my fault. Yeah. And so now when I talked to them, it's more on an adult level, versus me trying to protect and, you know, that was a difficult change for me because again, I was like, let me control everything because that's what I do. And but now I raised a horrible adult, or no, I'm boil water, my kids not horrible, but you know, there are just a lot of things that I didn't allow them to do. I did make Alexis get a job though. But that was because it was in the middle of the pandemic and I was like, Yeah, we're not going to have you in the house this entire time. Just you know, with an hour of school like that's not the gym so go get a fucking job. No, no, no essential worker. Get out of my house. Yeah. And that was for my own personal sanity, but


yeah, Yeah, well, that's the kids, doctor. I


mean, I mean, change is not just with kids, it's moving to a new city. Right, Jamie, you know, you moving to Las Vegas, it's getting a new job, it's you know, and sometimes change is just not. I'm better with change when I'm making the decision. But sometimes those decisions of change are not from our own doing. And I think that's the right or we're kind of like, this fucking sucks. I mean, I know for me, I've been dealing with that. Everybody's heard about the merger at work and my career. It's the same, but it's different. You know, it's the same people, but it's a different company. And it's just weird things. And I was fighting it as hard as I could. I was like, No, I'm gonna embrace this. And then part of me was like, No, I'm gonna do something different than I was like, I could go back to your company. And that would be that would make everything better. But really, I was just like, Okay, I'm wanting to, again, go back to what is comfortable, because change and this merger, and everything is just super uncomfortable. And it's super unsettling. And I don't know, you know, I know, the people I'm working with, but I don't know, like, the corporate people that I have to work with. And, you know, it's just like, What am I going to do? And now I'm just like, I'm just gonna fucking roll with it. I'm gonna wake up every morning and say that I'm just doing the best that I can and continue to go through it. Yeah, yeah, I am. You know, I also look at it like, this is something that I'm supposed to go through right now. And when I feel like I'm not supposed to go through it anymore, that's when it's time for me to make that change on my own.


That makes sense like that. Yeah. And then there's always I don't know about you guys, but being 47. How about the women changes?


In all honesty? I can't wait for menopause. I'm like, can it just happen now? Change, changing. Wait


for the change.


I'm like, I am tired of having my period. Yeah,


I I'm 47. Again, it's just change and accepting the evolution of life and all these wonderful fucking things. But I am like, wow, three years now more like two and a half. I'll be 50. Like, that one hit me hard. Like I was fine with the 30. The 40 When I hit like, 45 it's like shit. I'm gonna go now. The downhill slope right into going into 50 Wasn't approaching it. I wasn't like I was on the climb there. And now I'm going down. Like I'm going. I'm getting closer. Like, I I'm mentally trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I'm going to be 50 Very soon. I'm not scared of it. It's just It blows my mind. Like how, how am I 50? Like, this is crazy. I'm not 50 yet. Yeah, but how am I so close? It's just I don't know. I still have like, 35 stuck in my head. Yeah, like when people ask me like, oh, what's your birthday again? Today? 21? No, fuck the 20s I want to be 35 again, right? 3534 was a great fucking like, that was. That was a good


time. For me. I feel like every decade has gotten better. Because I've learned more. I mean, my 20s That was a shit show. And then, you know, then my Yeah, he's, like, you know, kind of figuring things out. 40s I have a good grasp on I'm so looking forward to my 50s like, and I think it's really is because each decade has just gotten better and better. And I've learned more. And I've evolved and I'm like, you know, I feel like I'm such a better person than I was in my 20s and 30s and even early 40s. And so like, I'm like, Yeah, bring it. I can still talk on a dance floor, I can jump into the split play, you know, that shit that I did in my 20s I'm like, I could still do that shit, you know, but the funny thing is, is yesterday, I was like, am I 47? Or am I 48? Like, I had to pull out a calculator and figure out how old I was. So it's like, I'm like, I'm like, when is my 50s So yeah, I think I have a different thought process and on that because again, like you know, each decade has just gotten so much better. So I'm like, Google universe tell me how much better can this get? You know and so it's like what are you gonna bring me and so it it's exciting for me?


Yeah, I share similar i don't know I'm with Marlena a little bit more because I I definitely have gotten Freer every single like year I feel like so I'm like God if I'm this like free this authentic this me like how am I going to be when I'm 50? Like that's going to be amazing. Am I going to just be like embracing like, I'm just imagining and bracing like the gray hair coming in. I'm gonna just gonna be like crone like energy. You know what's going on? Like, I'm just gonna be like, Fuck you all. I don't care, you know not, you know, just like I I know who I am. I know what I want. I know what I like to do. And this is just you know. So yeah, I'm looking forward to it. The one caveat to that is that I absolutely cannot stand with all of the changes that our bodies go through as women and through like hormonal changes and all the things I cannot stand being told that it's just your age. Like, I can't stand that. So like, I've been to nutritionists, I've been to doctors, I've been, you know, I go in and I'm like, Yeah, I'm experiencing all these different things. And it's weird, and I don't know, and they're like, Well, you're in your 40s. I'm like, what kind of cancer is that? Your doctor, like, what? You know, and then like, when you reach menopause, like they're like, Well, it's, it's menopause. And you're like, Okay, well do something, I don't know, figure it out, like research the female body a little bit more so that you can help us like I don't, you know, it's just, yeah, it's so bizarre. And then the, you know, like, I have friends who are in menopause are approaching menopause. And they're like, there's not a lot of options. Like, you know, like, there's a lot of options to there's hormone replacement therapy. But if you don't want to do that, then you're kind of screwed. And I'm like, Why? Why is that an okay, acceptable answer from our medical community, just like, it's your age.


You know, it's funny that you bring that up, I actually, it was either a comedian or a tick tock or something I saw and they were talking female talking exactly about that. Like, a woman goes to a doctor and was like, I'm having all these symptoms and oh, it's just menopause. Okay, so what can you do to help me? It's just menopause. It's so funny. They're like, but a man can walk into a clinic or a doctor and say, We you might want to take this out, but it's okay. If you live in. I have a cricket deck. Oh, we have a bill for that. Like, you know, she's laughing. She goes, we can fix the crookedness of penises. But we can't help the women dealing with symptoms of regular life. Things like menopause. Right? You know, it's just what it is. And it was funny, because it's true. Like there's been, I feel like there's been less studies or less involvement. Yeah. In trying to find help. Yeah, we're something that's naturally going to happen. Yeah. So yeah, it's on every with you, Christy. Yeah. And


then you wonder why all these women out there are out there, like with herbs, right, trying to find like the natural like herbs like oh, this herb help this herbal? And then you ask your doctor about it. And we're like, oh, well, that hasn't been proven. They're like, okay, but in absence of your advice, or your medical opinion, I am now going to go search for my own solution. And herbs seem great. Like they're of the Earth, right. So like, let's just try it.


I prefer it that way. Anyway, because doctors get more money for the more drugs they push. And so that is a whole nother topic for a whole debate. I


know. But yeah, I mean, I love my my GP but she even said to me, well, it's your age. And I was like, I just I looked at her and like, that's all you got for me. And she's like, Yeah, and I'm like, Cool. Glad I wasted the you know, half hour to come in. Yeah, it's my age and


pay my copay for you


to say, thank well, you're getting. So strap in.


Welcome to the right. Do the shit show. This is what you get. Yeah, and I do appreciate everything you guys have said. I think those are words of encouragement for me. I'm trying to evolve into a better mindset. I don't think I'm not dreading it. I think my brain just can't comprehend. Or the fact 50 Years went, you know, that I think it's, it's again, it's what, what has happened and trying to embrace the changes. Yeah. And the future to come. And I am looking forward to I mean, I am looking forward to seeing my kids grow up and being with my husband and, and all the things that are to come. It's the in between that I have to work on better ways of evolving with it, and not making myself so crazy. Because I've been crazy lately. Oh, I have been to


I'm seeing all these things because this is shit that I've just been going through and I'm like, I am tired of this hamster wheel of me just you know, sitting there being extremely upset or coming home crying or whatever, because I feel uncomfortable and I can't control it. You know, and one of the things Yep, that I keep trying to do and sometimes I can do it and sometimes I can't, is getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Because, you know, with change that is such a huge thing is that that uncomfortable feeling? It's unsettling. And so, you know, kind of being comfortable, being uncomfortable. And then like I was saying before using fear as a practice for courage or you Using frustration as a practice for patients, which I lack completely. And so, you know, these are things that I'm trying to implement in my life so that when, you know, like this change that's been going on with work for me, it's been rough, but I'm also to the point where I'm like, Okay, fuck it, I'm done fighting it, because the only thing that it's causing me is internal turmoil. And so I can't fight it anymore. So, okay, I'm frustrated, screaming isn't going to help. Crying actually does help because it helps me release my feelings. And then I can think of with more clarity, by you know, and these are the thoughts that come into my head after I'm more clear, I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna use my frustration as a practice for patients because I can't control the situation. And that's with any type of change and transition that I've gone through in my life. It's like, okay, you know, I find it I resist, I resist, I resist, and it's still coming. It's not, you know, not gonna change, you're not stopping, all I'm doing is just, you know, causing myself more pain. And then it starts to physically manifest in my body with tight shoulders and colds and everything else. And so it's like, okay, if I just learn to roll with it. One thing that Vince always tells me is, water over rocks, just let it flow. And, um, you know, sometimes I'm like, Yeah, you totally make sense. And sometimes I'm like, go fuck yourself, because right now I'm like, in the middle of it, you know, but But yeah, you know, trying to and that's the other thing about me, though, is like, don't tell me don't tell me what to do or how to feel. I have to come up with it myself. Yeah, so


go put it on a bumper sticker. That shit right now.


And I say that I'm laughing because I'm like, as I was just telling you, I'm like, Well, maybe you should try this. Like, bitch, go fuck yourself. I'm in the middle of this shit.


Yeah, I'm in the middle of this chair right now. Um, yeah,


I mean, I resist, resist resist, which then prolongs it, which then, then I'm more mad at because it's like taking a longer amount of time. And I'm like, and then in hindsight, I'm like, if you would have just let go. And just like, like rolled with it, it would have been over would the change would have happened? It would, it might have been still messy, might have still been hard. But you wouldn't have frickin drawn it out. Because that's what I tend to do I draw. And so you make it longer than it needed. So like, I just recently, I was like, God, like, I really was like, just resisting, resisting, resisting and drawing it out. And so then I finally was like, Okay, I'm just gonna say to myself, every day, I'm doing the best that I can with what I have. That's it. Hmm. Every single day, the best I love best that I can with what I have. And it actually helped because even in those moments of resistance, I'm like, okay, but I'm still doing the best I can with what I have, even if I'm still like, I don't want this. I don't want this right. Like, I still gotta show up. I still gotta like, you know, try. Right? And I would say that to other people, like, I would say that, like, you know, at work, I'd be like, well, you're doing the best you can with what you have. And that's all you can do, you know, or whatnot. And it did help. I mean, I don't know, I've probably shortened it a little bit. But But yeah, that's just something that I'm trying to hold on to, because I resist so hard. And it just makes it harder on everybody and me and everybody around me, right. And


also by saying those types of mantras because I have something similar that I say and I do. As I'm waking up kind of like in that transition of waking up, I start saying it basically saying that I am enough, like I'm doing the best I can I am enough. And so I started seeing that as I'm waking up and I see that before I go to bed. And that has really helped me release that hold that I have on, you know, not wanting to move forward. Again, it helps me get more into a flow. And then once you're able to let go that's when the universe starts working for you again, I feel like the more you resist, that's also when you feel like well, where are my angels? Where are my guides? Why do I feel so alone right now? And the minute you let know is the minute all of a sudden you start seeing those synchronicities again and you start you know, seeing feathers as you're walking you start seeing you know, numbers and funny thing is it's like I was talking to my mom, and it was like few things happened a few days in a row and like the last one was, I had said Alexis used to tell her dad The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that, you know, he would put his hand over her head and say, the power of Christ compels you, she'd put her hand over his head and say the Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that. And then it was Halloween. And my boss comes in as a cat in the hat. And I was like, wait a minute, I just said that, you know, and so, and that was at a time when I really just started to let things go and be like, Okay, I can't, I can't stop this anymore. And so, you know, trying to change my mindset and let things flow more. Now the universe is like, yeah, see, just fucking let it flow, let it go, we got you. You know. And so for me, it was a reminder that when I quit trying to control things that are out of my control, and I just let the universe do what it's doing for me, because, you know, the universe always has our best interest at heart, anything that they throw at us, that they it, her, you know, but anything that universe throws at us, I feel like is in a positive way of changing our lives, whether you see it that way or not. But if you keep looking at it as a negative way of you know, your life changing or evolving, then that's what's going to happen. So, you know, once you start to learn how to embrace it, which again, it's scary, and it takes practice. And, you know, I know, for me, I it's still a work, I'm a work in progress with it, I think I'm better at it than I have been in the past. But, you know, definitely still find myself being resistant and wanting to control things. And, you know, just trying to manifest my way into controlling the outcome, which doesn't work. Yeah, you know, if it's not in my best and highest good, it's not going to work. So, you know, just being like, okay, you know, I'm giving the universe control. It's really, I think it's, it's been helpful. Changing that mindset,


I've been trying, like, you two are just saying kind of these little mantras that you guys have been working on a daily practice. I've been, I don't say I have a mantra, I love both of yours. But what I've been doing every day, and every night is just trying to, like you said, Let the universe handle it. Let the universe handle it. Like every morning, I say, you know, first of all, thank you for another day in this life, this journey, divine universe, divine creator, Mother Earth, thank you for waking my family up. And then it's helped me to release the worries and the stresses and lifted up to the universe and just guide me, guide me and help me deal with the things that come at me every day and just take it day by day. So not the exact words, but you get where I'm going with it. It just just helped me release it up to the universe and trust that the universe will work as it should just release those pressures. Because I think that's where my brain goes, right now, with all these things is all the worst, you know, the worst of the worst? You know, what can happen? Well, why am I doing that to myself, because I am going to drive myself crazy, worrying about all the possibilities of the things that could happen, that may never happen. So I'm trying to release every day, the stresses the worry, and just trust that the universe will handle it as it should be, and to help me listen to my intuition, and to make the best judgments or decisions as I can in those moments. So that's kind of been my mantra lately is just trying to release the burden of worry. And to trust my intuition, when I need to deal with a situation. So it's kind of where I'm at right now.


I tell my kids, and I've told friends, but when you think about the worst possible scenario, and you worry about that, and you focus on that, you are actually borrowing worry, and strife and sadness and grief or whatever, you know, from a day that might never come. Yep. So you're wasting your time. And that mates might sound a little crass, but you are right. And so why spend that energy in that way? Why not spend your energy in a present way? In this day? Like, yep, because like my youngest, he has anxiety, right? And so, and I have anxiety too, but he spins his wheels, and he thinks about the worst things that could have maybe happen in years, right, like years in the future. And I'm like, I'm like you can't like you can't do that. Like I understand it, but you're just worrying twice, right? Like and that day may never come. And so you've just wasted your energy when you could be present when you could be doing something fun when you could be concentrating on something that brings you joy. And it's a hard it's a hard thing. Obviously, I'm not saying it's easy, but like you said, you're trying to release that, right? And I think that is a huge part of it is releasing those worries, and those worst case scenarios. Because yes, as a parent, you do go there, of course. And you do want to protect your kids, and you're thinking about other people in the world, and not just your children and how they're going to interact and the things that could happen. But I also do think there is just a, like the positivity that you can bring back, like, if you're putting all that, and I do think it's negativity out. I do think sometimes you attract him back in other ways, right? So just my two cents on that. Release a Lego, get let it flow, let it flow, let it go. Let it flow. Well, I


mean, really, that's just what we have to do. Change is inevitable. It happens on a daily basis, you know, and so from little minut things to the big life changing changes. So learning to evolve with that, you know, and I guess really changing the mindset behind that. Yeah, yep. Well, thank


you. It's our ship. Yeah.


I don't think of the ship.


No, this is just my mind right now. So thank you therapy session. For those. Thank you for joining minutes. 30 minutes


for this therapy session. Yeah. Yes, but really, thank you for joining us on this episode of a witch, a mystic and a feminist. Please go to W MF pod.com. And then also, I wanted to just throw in wherever you're listening to this podcast, if you wouldn't mind liking, subscribing, commenting, it would really help us out. I know, our podcast is available in many different places. So wherever you're getting your podcast, just go and do at least one of those things for us that would be super helpful and be eternally grateful for something and we will, please and thank you. And we will see you all next week.


evolving, life, kids, universe, change, embrace, release, mindset, women