Signs Unveiled: The Universe's Language of Guidance
September 12, 2023
Signs Unveiled: The Universe's Language of Guidance
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In this episode of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist, Marlena, Christy and Jamie dive into the fascinating world of signs from the universe. The ladies explore the mysterious ways in which the universe communicates with us through synchronicities, music, animals, feathers, and repeating numbers.

Throughout the episode, the ladies of A Witch, A Mystic & A Feminist provide insights into how to interpret these signs and encourages listeners to stay open to the messages the universe may be sending their way. Whether you're a believer in signs or a skeptic, this episode offers a thought-provoking exploration of the unexplained connections between the cosmos and our everyday lives.

Tune in, stay open, and let the universe speak to you through the signs you encounter.

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Christy, Jamie, Marlena


Hello, welcome all you beautiful humans to a another weekly episode of a witch and mystic and a feminist. Jamie's fixing her hair. We're trying to get beautiful for the camera even though it's all audio. But today, we decided we were going to talk signs a little bit, we've had a million of them so far. We've had a lot, I feel like we just kind of jumped in because we didn't want to start talking about them before we recorded which often happens on this podcast. So yeah, we're just going to kind of take sides in a big, broad and general conversation and see where it leads. Because there are a lot of them out there. So Hi, Jamie, Marlena.


So we're going to talk about signs from the universe signs from her spirit guides, science from angels, and those can be anything from repeating numbers, synchronicities animals, all kinds of things. I had one recently this week. Yeah, I had a big sign recently this week. Please tell. So this is the week of the anniversary that my father passed away. And I was driving to work a couple of days before that anniversary, and there's one song that always comes on when my dad's trying to connect with me. And that is the song The reasons by Hoobastank that song came out in like, 2003. So it's not like a new song. I mean, you know, some people are like, What the fuck is a hoobastank?


yeah. Right.


So that song comes on, when my dad's trying to connect with me. And I was driving to work and I was listening to hip hop like Nicki Minaj came on, and then fatty walk, I was listening to hip hop, but still, then who was stained came on, and then Usher like, it was just it was a weird combination, right? But the song came on, and I'm like, Oh, hey, dad. Um, and then like, two songs later, I get into a car accident. And I'm the third car in this accident where I got hit, I was pushed into the car in front of me, hit them bounced back, got hit again, bounced forward, hit them again. At one point, my hands go up in the air. Like I'm no longer holding onto the steering wheel my hands. So I ended up able to walk away. I mean, I literally got out of the car, we the car in front of me who I hit like he and I were making sure everybody's okay. And you know, her cars fucked. But then I called my mom because, you know, I need my mommy. And so I called my mom and I was like, the song came on and dad wasn't here. And but he was here and she was like, hold on. She was like, he was letting you know, don't worry, I got you. And I was like, oh, yeah, ha.


It's going to be okay.


Right. Yeah. And so everybody in the accident was able to walk away unscathed. I mean, I'm sore. But you know, I still walked away. All of us were able to get out of our vehicles. We were ambulances didn't need to arrive. You know, she hit me pretty good. I mean, she busted her radiator, like, in the impact fluid was all over the place and CHP couldn't even get her car into neutral to be able to push it to the side like, so.


Yeah, probably could have been way worse than it was. So yeah,


yeah, exactly. And that was my dad letting me know that. He got us, you know. So that is a sign. I definitely see that as a sign. And again, that song comes on anytime. He's been trying to get in contact with me. That song came on one time when I was dealing with his accident. And I had to go all the way out to Visalia. And I was just pissed. And the song came on. I was like, Nope, I don't want to talk to you.


Leave me alone.


I'm like, I don't want to talk to you right now.


Well, and I think music is like used as a big sign from the other side. Really, I know. Like Marlena, she's talking about right now the connection with Hoobastank. And her dad, I know for me, I have a song for sue my mother in law who passed away. And it's funny because she was never a big music person. And so to relate a song to her, it was more of the words and when the song really came into my life was during her time of passing. And so for me, I really liked that song to her and my kids are like, Oh, this is grandma's favorite song. I'm like the one that really, but it's the song that I've related to her and I have told her Yeah, play this for me when I need to feel you and I need to know you're here when I need you. And that song will come on randomly or in music mixes when I'm listening to certain things. And then it's in moments when I really do need to hear her. And now literally the whole family when that song comes on, Oh, Grandma, you know, it makes them think of Grandma's. So music is a huge sign and used by the other side, if you will, to let us know they're here.


Yeah. And I think you make a good point to me too, is that you've got to tell right, the universe or the person, what sign you want. So like Claire, when we interviewed Claire stone, she actually talked about like, pick a really obscure sign one, right, right. And then, and then let that appear. But you got to keep your eyes open. So she gave an example about a teapot, right? And she saw the teapot, but the other person didn't see the teapot. And it was right there. So like, you need to ask for a specific sign that you're going to see like, and you're going to remember that you've asked for and then you know, that'll help too because, you know, skepticism can creep into you're like, Oh, it's just a song but like you specifically asked for the Yazoo. Yeah, you know, and that's what's showing up.


And what do we say about the see where though, coincidences? It's not that we're at work in the show, I believe in Cohen's the new C word. Wherever your mind, I mean, the C word on this show is one sentences and we do not believe in them because they're happening for a reason not just because Oh, just a coincidence anyways,


well, yeah, I mean, speaking of that, I had a interesting, and it's still kind of playing out. But, um, so he happened to just recently and you know, huge energy and manifestation. And so I'm driving like, Alright, I'm just gonna say this out loud. I'm gonna say it out loud. Because I don't want to say to my husband data lab of what I wanted, like what I want in the future, and I said out loud, I want such financial stability, more so than we have now. Right? Like, I want to be able, I just want freedom in that aspect. And, you know, I know everybody does, but like I spoke it and I said, and I don't know if that's gonna come from my creativeness my current career, something completely different. Not sure I don't care where it comes from, honestly. Just bring it. Yeah. Like I was like, I don't, I don't care. And then about four days later, I was working for a client, and he made me a huge offer. And I'm still waiting for the offer to be put on paper. But he's not someone who would make this offer and then resend it. And so this offer would bring me the potential for that kind of freedom. And so like, I'm really trying hard, you know, just to kind of let it play out. And then as I'm talking through this with people, like, I'm like, oh, right, five years ago, I had this dream of doing this whole, like, within my career, but like moving to this other realm, and didn't think I could do it. So I kind of like gave up on it a little bit. But I kept certain things, like I kept, I bought a website domain for this little venture. And I kept it. I paid for it every single year. And so I was like, Oh, right. And then, you know, I needed to get my CPA license for that venture, and that there's no way I can pass that exam. There's no way and you know, she did I did. I did write and I did, sir, but I did it. But I, I didn't do it for that venture. But I did it for something else, pretty much because I was pissed off. So I just had to prove everybody, like it's not going to pass but and so like all these little things, like, especially over the years, like feel like they've been building to this and when I was able to look back at them and be like, oh, right, right. I was dreaming this five years ago. Right? And you know, and so, like, I'm now kind of at this point where, okay, well, if it doesn't happen this way, right that I got, if it doesn't happen this specific way, I'm dreaming in a way that has kind of woken me up and has made me realize that like, this is probably the path that I'm supposed to take through. So like, so that's super exciting. But I had to ask for it, you know, and I didn't I wasn't very specific. So it wasn't like you I was just like, generally. And then when it happened, I literally shrugged it off. Because this client makes me an offer probably every single year to work for him. And I turned him down every single year. We've been working together on and off for like 20 years. And so I just totally shrugged it off. And then that same day, I was talking to a friend of mine, and she's like, why are you not excited by this? And she's like, I'm like, what? And she goes and so she starts breaking it down for me. And I'm like, Holy shit, this is what I was for. But I needed somebody else to pare it back to me, you know? So yeah, that's kind of where I'm at with that.


So I know and you're gonna have to keep us posted.


I will tell you,


like, maybe not necessarily on the podcast. keep us informed


I got you. I got you. That's amazing. Yeah, but like so what about some other signs? Like, what about numerology repeating numbers? Or like how do those play in your lives?


So anytime I'm going through something, I will see repeating numbers or if I'm manifesting something, okay, but I'm not great with numerology. Okay, no. And so, basically what I do is like, Okay, I got to research what each number means and blah, blah, blah. But now I kind of go with what I'm feeling in that moment. Okay. And what I'm thinking about in that moment when I see this, but sometimes I to still shrug it off and be like, oh, you know, weird. Yeah. But then, you know, I'm like, driving down the freeway, and, you know, I see 777, then I see a phone number that's like, 77777777, you know? Yeah. And then I see a street that's like, you know, these numbers through these numbers. And it's like, 777, it's like, okay, okay, I get it, like, Quit hitting me over the head with this. So a lot of time, it's when I am going through something or trying to make a decision about something which, you know, I'm consistently going through


going through something. So they pop up a lot. I think for me, I take them as signs as my universe, my spirit guides, my angels, my loved ones saying hello, and just kind of I text you guys all the time when I like the 1111. Right? Everyone talks about the ones and the elevens. In the you know, the series of ones I don't know, I see them a lot. Like I will glance down at my phone. And it's like 1111 on my phone, you know, and even at nighttime, if I'm not sleeping, I happen to look over my phone and it's 1111 it, it just happens so much. And I actually try and take screenshots every time it does happen because it's just like a friendly reminder. Like, hey, we're here. That's kind of how numerology works into my life. I think it's like really a sign of Hello, we're here. Don't worry, you know, we're fine. Everything's good. Just saying hi. But it's weird. Like how often it happens, because I stutter some days. Like I look at the clock, and it's okay, what time is it? Oh, it's 11. Okay, cool. And next time I look down, it's 1111. I'm like, I swear I'm not doing this on purpose. I'm not looking at my desk clock and going oh, it's one minute, you know? Right? Yeah. So yeah, that for me, it's always the ones I do have significant numbers for specific loved ones on the other side. So when I see those two, obviously, that's just kind of a reminder that they're there for me. For me. That's the significance.


Yeah, that's beautiful. Yeah, I'm with the ones as well. That seems to happen to me, but it won't happen for like weeks, or I won't see it for like weeks. And then all of a sudden, it'll happen like every day. Yeah, I'll just be like, okay, am I aligning? Or am I supposed to manifest like, what? And so like, usually, if I'm in the middle of work tasks or something, I'm like, No, we're not this is not aligning like, this is not this. Right. So then I'll just be like, Okay, so maybe I just need to stop like, is this what I want? No, I don't want to, like, you know, or something. But yeah, it does make me stop and think and I'm like, okay, and a lot of times I'll look at it. And I feel like I'm on the right track. Like if I even the ones right, okay, I'm on the right track. And then that's not always so literal. Where like, I'm in a work task. And I'm like, Oh, I'm on the right track on this work task. No, no, in the life in the bigger pictures. I'm on the right track. And that's kind of how I use it just like to it's reassurance for me. And it's, it's comfort, you know, and it's cool, if nothing else to just be like, Oh, wow, I looked at it again at 1111 or 111. Or like, you know,


for 1111 and 1111. I'm not gonna focus on that it's gonna happen organically. 1111 and 1111.


So if we get a text that 1111


Yeah, in your calendars, people.


And then Jamie, you got to put you got to put the season in the episode. So we like remember. season two episode told you what happened.


But yeah, I mean, numbers are significant. Yes.


For me, though, I get more science free animals, like when I see animals, and that is a constant for me. I mean, literally, it started a few years ago when I started with my spiritual awakening. And it just has continued. So when I was in Thailand, I saw a scorpion. And the scorpion is kind of like the death card in tarot, where it's kind of like, you know, the death of one thing and being reborn or the rebirth of something new. And I kind of had an idea that it was career related, based off of Well, based off of conversations that were taking place prior to me leaving, but I get home. And so I see a scorpion which I've never seen a live Scorpion before in my entire life. If, and so it was, you know, very interesting to see it. And then it started like running. And so I like screamed and ran away. I was recording I just ran away, because I'm not dramatic or anything. Then I saw a peacock, which is good luck. And again, renewal. And then I saw a baby dinosaur in my room, which lizards are good luck, but it was in my room and then I jumped on the chair, and I started screaming and Vince comes in and I'm like, it's gonna kill me. He was like, You're gonna die. If you don't get off. You're going to fall quit being so dramatic. I'm like, but there's a baby dinosaur. And he's like, how big is it? I said, Well, it's the body and like to tell you inches. He's like, it's a baby. I was like, men things like you like horseback dinosaur like, standing on this shared, he's like, get down. It probably hit me. He's like, the bite you. So yes, once again, I was dramatic. In my fear,


but you're right, animals for you have been huge. Yeah.


So then I get home, and I go to work. And I knew we were having an offer meeting, I set the meeting prior to me going to Thailand. But you know, I just thought it was our anniversary. And I found out at 10am, that we were merging with a larger firm we were combining is what they're calling it. But basically, we were acquired by this larger firm, and I'm getting a whole new role. And which is interesting, because when I was interviewing previously, when I wasn't sure if this job was for me, the job that I'm getting is a job that I was interviewing for. Okay, so, um, it is a little more high profile, and, you know, super exciting. But at first I was like, I don't know if I like this, and so like the scorpion and that, like the death card. Interesting. I pulled cards this morning, and I did get the death card. So I wasn't sure how I was feeling about it. I was like, Okay, I turned down that job that, you know, I was interviewing with and so I don't know if this is what I want to do. And so, and I was like, Am I scared? Like what is going on? I'm like, No, I'm not scared. I can run circles around a bunch of these people. The job itself I can I can kick ass at that job. And so I'm like, Okay, it's not fear. I'm like, Am I comfortable? Like, you know, what is it that I, and really what it came down to was a life changing decision about my life was made. And I wasn't the one to make it. So I think I was just pissed about that. But it took me some time to process and I've got to meet. I think I can talk about this now. Because by the time this airs, we will have made that announcement that combination is taking place. But no, it's really exciting. And I've met a lot of my new team and, you know, spoke with the CEO and just different directors and attorneys and whatnot. So I'm starting to get excited. I'm okay with this death of this job and stepping into the next but I was in the hospital or in the ER for my accident. The doctor is like pressing my shoulders and my back and he's like, you're really knotted up and after he walked away I told Vince I said I think that has more to do with the merger and less to do with the accident and


too much sues for like a solid two weeks. That's fine. That's fine. Yeah, I will do it. I will do it. But you seriously like Marlena will call me on a drive home be like, Oh, I just saw three Hawks. Over here, sir. Oh, yeah, sign. It's something and I'm like, oh, what's going on? Like, it's crazy how much animals are such as sign for you?


Yeah. I mean, it's huge. Because when I was in Arizona with my mom, we were talking about how she was telling me a story about her and my dad and when we lived in Tucson, how they were looking out and they saw Roadrunner running through the wall. Okay, and we're on this hike. And I was like, Did you see the coyote, you know, and then we get in the car, like after we're done with our hike, and we're driving and just walking across the street at the light is this freaking Coyote? And so, you know, like the C word, the coincidence, you know, it's just things like that happens all the time. I see an elk and then I pull tarot cards and one of my decks is all animals. And the elk came out and I was like, Are you fucking kidding me right now? You know, some shit like that happens to me all the time all the time. So for me, it's music. And it's animals. Oh, and feathers. I see when I see feathers. I know that that's just my angels letting me know that they're there. And a lot of times again, it's when I'm going through something that I either need to make a decision or I'm overthinking something. I'll see a father and it's like, we got tight, hang tight, meditate.


Go relax, go relax. Yeah, we'll take care of it.


I think for me with animals. I had one. It's not as significant for me. But I've had what I've experienced was significant. There was one instance I remember actually you and I were talking Marlena and it was about my dad. And I can't remember what the exact topic was. But I needed a sign from him could have been work related. Seems like most of my stuff is work related. But I needed to sign from him like I need something to add like I you know what, send me a hawk, I need to see a hawk. Like I'm thinking in the most random thing that I don't I mean, I live in the desert, you think I'd see hawks more, but around here, I really don't, you know, I just I don't. So I'm sitting there at my desk, and my desk has an open window. And I can see right out into my backyard. And I remember looking over and on our brick wall fence ish thing. There's a hawk sitting there perched with a pigeon in its mouth, because it was obviously hunting. First of all, thank you, Mr. Hawk for, you know, Circle of Life and taking the pigeon to go feed your family. But then to see a hawk. And I'm like, I had to do like a triple take, like, is that? Is that for real? Like, is that really, I took several pictures. Yes. And then he expanded his wings and he flew away with this pigeon mouth. I'm like, damn, this shit is real. And this was in the very beginning of like me really asking for things and really trying to approach my spiritual awakening and realizing all the things that happen in the universe around me that I just don't look for or watch for. The other ones for me is butterflies, especially when I see a monarch monarch for me are very significant. And I have asked my loved ones specific ones. I need to see a butterfly, I need to see you I need to know you're here. And obviously, it doesn't happen in my house. But you know, I'm out on a walk or something or on a run. You know, I'm not gonna ask the universe to send me a monarch sitting in my bedroom. Like, that's just weird. So, right. Please make the monarch come through the screen window. No.


But I mean, sometimes what can happen is you're watching TV and you know, something comes on or a picture of a butterfly shows up. Yeah. So you know, those things can still happen.


Hmm. But I think going back that also is very specific, but you also have to know like, Okay, I didn't ask for a bear in the wild. I just said a bear. Right. Like, I show me a bear outside my door. My door. So right, so rightly so. Yeah, it could be. It could be a stuffed animal. Like it could be in many different forms.


I mean, Jamie is I remember you were talking about a stuffed teddy bear. Oh, Elmer


Elmer Yeah. So bears are also related to my mother in law. And anyone that knew her knew that she loved bears, like, if she could go hug one and cuddle one and not get mauled, that she would like that would have been her life dream. So Smokey the Bear. We've always had bears in our house. And you know, that's just it's Sue. It's just so smooth. And for Christmas one year, Chad thought it'd be a fantastic idea to buy sue that ginormous teddy bear. They were selling in Costco for a while. It was like $150 or something. It's humongous. Yeah, he thought that'd be a great idea. So he did. I don't even know how they got it to her house. But they did. I have no clue. No clue. And then I when I say they, it's Chad and his brother who thought this was a fantastic idea. And then his name became Elmer. So Elmer is just this ginormous bear. And my kids love it. They would go to grandma's house and jump on his belly and do all the things and so after she passed, you know, I would I would ask, you know, so I need to see a bear. And you sent me smokey send me a grizzly outside my door. I don't know. I need to see. I need to see. Like I need and I think like in the My Facebook memories, and I'm trying to remember the conversation related but Elmer popped up.


Yeah. So it was on TV. I remember. I think it was like on friends or something like that. But


they had the huge Elmer and I had I knew, right. It's Elmer. Like it's not even just some rando bear. It was Elmer like the big ass Costco bear. I'm like, This is not a coincidence. So yeah, for me, it's bears butterflies. I guess any throw bears now that you say scorpions? I have to think back. I mean, again, I live in the desert so I've seen scorpions actually had one crawling on me one time. Not cool. Oh, not Oh, fun. Now I'm legit. And you know what's weird? Okay, now you're really making me think I'm like, I have to think of these every time they pop up. Chad's never around, which scares the show me because I have to handle the scorpion.


Oh, fuck that. Just let it roam around.


I just don't go back out in the garage. If I see it. I'm like, I'm not going in there until you come home and kill the scorpion. It hasn't happened very often. But now that you talk about it, I'm like, what happened during those times?


Exactly. Think about what was taking place. Because for me, like I said, I had an idea of something regarding my career based off of conversations that were taking place. Yeah, those conversations don't seem to be panning out. But there's this huge shift in my career. And that scorpion and then and then again, the peacock and the baby dinosaur,


I have to bring up another one. That's very significant for me. Yes, orbs, orbs are huge. And okay. In the very beginning, after su had passed, I was seeing and when I say seeing orbs in photographs, I'm not looking at my window, and I'm seeing an orb. But I would go out. And again, I really need to connect with nature. When I'm out and want to really feel like one with the universe, I need to be outside. And during that time of grief, I needed to go physically hug and touch trees. It really helped me connect to her. And going through this grief, I needed that connection. So I was out walking, running. There's one specific tree that I kind of designated hers. I don't know, I just felt really connected to it. And in this park, I would take pictures and I would come back and there's just orbs everywhere. And people will argue well, it's the sunlight. It's this. It's that and I do agree there are certain pictures where you can tell this is you know, based off of the rays of the sun because they're perfectly aligned. They don't you know, if you do the live photo, if anyone has an iPhone, an orb kind of bouncing around versus like it's aligned with the sun. It's just different. It's different. And I saw a lot of orbs after she had passed. And it just was so reassuring for me, because it was really her telling me I'm still here. I'm still here. I know you're grieving. I know the family is grieving, but I'm here, don't worry. And for a long time that was that'll be two years in February. I haven't seen orbs in a very long time and I go out really looking for them. Right and I'm like, what happened? Maybe just I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they're just sending me signs in other ways. Well, just this week, I sent you guys pictures. It was what Tuesday night Wednesday night. Anyways, I went out for a run beautiful skies right now because we're going through monsoon season and I'm taking these pictures and I come back and there they are again. But not only orbs, they really looked like manifestations like something was really really there with me. It was yeah, it was like fairies, maybe because they weren't just these little green things floating around they I wish I had my life camera on when I took those photos because I would have liked to see the movement but um, when I was talking about with Marlene and later and she said well obviously they're there for a reason. I said you know what? It was the night before Chad just started this new job and he's gonna be traveling again maybe they're just trying to reassure me that things are going to be okay. But these were very different right orbs they were legit like they looked they were fairy no and that's just so cool to me. Because usually they're these all green bubbles bouncing around these were like listen


to me. They're fucking families


very cool. But orbs have been. They've been very present and prevalent in my life, especially after experiencing Sue's death. So I firmly believe in the in the orb signs that come through. Yeah, I


mean, I saw a lot of orbs especially when I was in Arizona when I was in Sedona last year and I even made a tick tock about it of just like orbs bouncing around and everything as I was hiking. I did a hike on my own Vince couldn't go and so I did you know the six mile hike up to Devil's bridge myself and like scaling rocks and I was really proud of myself because I'm like, you know, anyway but as I was walking I'm like videoing so all these orbs are popping up and plus it was just absolutely gorgeous because you're watching the sun come up as you're as you're walking through. So yeah, I love orbs and anytime I see them in pictures, and especially like when I'm hiking and maybe I'm hiking because I need to clear my head I need to meditate. You know something's going on. Like once I went for a hike and it was after my friend Anna passed away. And I saw this trunk the in the shape of a heart. And then you know, all these orbs and pictures as I was taking pictures there and I was like, Oh, you're right there. Yeah. So yeah, I love the orbs. I love the aura


absolute or what about what about like smells? Because my Yes, my mother in law. So my father in law passed away in 2020. And she is she's like he used to smoke. But he would step outside, he'd smoke outside. And she's like, I will get these, like, just huge whiffs of cigarette smoke, like coming through the house. And she's like, and there's nothing there anymore. Like, there's no like ashtrays, like ever. All of that gone, right? And she goes, and so you know, of course, we're like, let's you have the windows open, you know, like, everyone's asking her like, you know, maybe somebody else. Maybe it's coming, you know, but she's like, No, it comes in and like it just, I immediately know like, he's there. Like, he's Yeah, he's here with me. And she has a couple other smells that are you know, similar. Do you guys have any instances like that? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yes.


Um, you know, and I smoke. Um, but there have been distinct times where I've woken up to cigarette smells. And my father in law smoked. And so I believe that. Yes, yeah. So sometimes when I smell flowers, and I'm like, okay, who's here? So yes, I have smells, I mean, even my, it was gross. But my dad when he was when he was in the hospital, and he had a hole in his head. They had a tube in his head. And then they had the tube going down his throat. And I mean, legit, it smelled like death in in the room. There was, you know, bacteria, whatnot. And I remember after I said, my final goodbyes, and I laughed, and I pull over and I'm with my mom, and I'm crying. And all we could smell was that, like, you know, and it was him being like, you know, I'm here with you. And I'm like, can you pick another smell? Smell? So yes, yeah, yes. And like I said, it was so Gretzky's so I was just like, Okay, I want, like, can you just pick another smell play?


That's what I would ask. I'd be like, can we like, is there a cologne smell you want or like, a flower? Like, let's pick something else?


No, but sometimes I'll also so my dad worked construction. And so like, you know, and he broke concrete and stuff like that. And so there's a distinct smell of construction. And it's not like funky or anything but like, so anytime I smell like drywall, or, or something like that. It really does bring me back to my dad. And you know, sometimes I'll smell that as well. And I'm like, where's their construction going on? Because I just call it the smell of construction. Yeah. But it's like, you know that that does that drywall that cement? Just, you know,


I know exactly what you're talking about.


Yeah. I haven't had the smell effect. No. So now No, I haven't had the smell effect. And this could be a whole nother podcast, but I do have to bring up to at least for me, dreams. I get a lot of nines in dreams. A lot of things have happened in my dreams. But I've actually met some of my loved ones. I didn't even know that we're here in dreams. I don't we've I've we discussed Tristan, I don't remember we'll discuss that maybe in another dreams episode or something, but met a very special spirit in one of my dreams who revealed himself to me in this dream. And in the most like off time, like it just wasn't. But I needed to know, obviously that he was there, if that makes sense. And again, this is like a whole nother episode. We talked about dreams. But I do believe signs come in dreams. I do believe that our spirit guides and our angels tend to communicate through dreams visit us. But for me dreams have been very significant. I do my best to remember them. Because it'll like hit me later. Oh, oh, that was in my dream like it and then and then it hits whatever that significant moment is. But for me dreams have been pretty significant in my life with Yeah, signs and well, and you


I think you've mentioned before Jamie that like you invited like, you guess you can come in my dreams. And then in your dream, you're like, Oh, get the fuck out of here. Like, here. It's not at all


I'm working on breaking down the wall of fear. As I've mentioned before I tell the universe every day you all can be wherever you are. It's fine. Don't scare the shit out of me. Right? I'm gonna meet my dreams. And then they do and I get scared and I tell them to go away. Yeah,


so hey, we're only humans.


It happens but they come back. I've had the you know, there have been nights where I've been really struggling missing people. And I know I refer to sue a lot because it was a very significant loss in our family. And there, there have definitely been times where I've said to her, like, I need you here like I need to sign. And I've had, you know, the bathroom lights flicker or something and my ghosts, my spirits, my spirit guides, my angels, they all know to be gentle with me because I can get creeped out really easily. So it's, there's been moments of just really sadness, just dark depression, because you know, she's missing a significant event. I know in the big picture. She's not she's there, but physically, like, it's my, it's my human side, right? Yeah, I just want to hug you, I want you to see, yeah, I want you to see your grandson going on to freshman year, I want you to see, I want you to be here, I want you to be here to celebrate his 16th birthday. Like, those moments have been tough over the last few years, the significant moments, and then all the heaviness that sets in, you won't be there for their weddings, you won't be there for their graduations, you know, just as Chad had his grandparents for those kind of situations. So there's been nights of really darkness. And I've just cried out to her like I need you. And the moments. And those moments. I know it's not a sign, but it's definitely a sense of comfort, because I know she's there. Those are the moments that I've had the lights flicker, the song Come on, right? Smokey the Bear shows up on the television commercial, you know, I mean it, those are the moments when I really need it, that she's come through for me. So I think like we all said, you put it out there, you know, you might it might feel like it sounds ridiculous, but put it out there. You know, and and let them be but be open enough to accept it as a sign. And not just oh, well, I happen to be outside. That's why I saw a butterfly. You know, I like be open enough to say it is a sign it is my spirit guide my loved one my angels, whatever, universe letting me know that whatever you asked is okay, or is or is going to be okay. Or there's a significant change coming. I mean, so I guess my moral of story is just be open to that, because you can sum it up to coincidence, but I'll tell you, it's not Yeah. Open your eyes open mind open, and be


specific, like your you know, like, be specific with what you're asking for. Like, they'll just be like, I need a sign. Because like we talked about in other episodes, then like five signs come in a row. And you're like, I saw nothing. You just said that, you know? And then you're like, oh, maybe our or, or maybe that was a sign and they're like, Oh, but I need another sign. And then Yep. And you just don't believe it.


45 signs,


right? And then I'm sure someone else? Yeah, I'm sure like, my spirit guides were like, What the fuck can we do to make this girl see the signs that she asked for? Right? Like so. You know, I try to be a little more specific. Like I don't like I don't want to just see a butterfly, I want to see, you know, I don't know, like, I want to see five butterflies or I want to see a ton of but like, I just want to see a bunch of butterflies, you know. So I just tried to be a little more specific for me so that when it happens, it's like a smack in the face. And then it's just be like, Oh, that was it. I asked for that. And got it.


And now I just need one more sign. Join again, I swear to God, I'll make that decision. No, no. One more time.


I need a hawk Carrying a snake to go across my path, and then land on a roof. That's when I thanks. And then it happens. And you're like, that was cool. That was nature. Yeah.


Yeah, I needed at sunset on the 11th. Ever. The wind


needs to be going north. Nope, not quite, not quite the same. That's not the sign that


yeah, no, incorrect. You know, as soon as I saw the sign,


I saw the sign a survey.


Okay, and now this has turned into a musical. You're one of the things that happened to me when my dad passed, and then again when Anna passed. So I had lost the diamond in my ring, my big diamond. And it had been lost, like for a couple of years. And then my dad passed away and I'm like, frantically looking for a picture of him and I from when I played my first year of softball. It was a picture of him and I that the photographer took and I'm like frantically looking for this crime. And I have a huge like moving box. It was a ginormous box of pictures. And I went through that thing and at the bottom. All of a sudden I see this shiny object and I was like no. And then I'm like looking at and I'm like no, so I pick it up and it's a diamond to my rain. Yeah. So I go out to Vince and I'm like Vince look. And he was like No, no Yeah, it is. Oh, that was my dad, like my dad showed me, hey, look what I can do from over here. So when Anna passed, I was out snowboarding. And I had just gotten to, I don't remember where we went somewhere in Truckee, but I had just gotten there. And I had lost a set of keys. And so I found them in my snowboarding booth. And I was like, strange. So I and I didn't know Anna passed away yet. So I took a picture of them. And I sent it to Vince. And I was like, found the keys. We don't have any of these cars anymore. But you know, I found the keys. And then I ended up having to, at that moment, cancel a trip that I was taking. And Anna had asked me, you know, are you available this weekend to go and get coffee or something? And I was like, Oh, I'm going to be in New York. I was like, Okay, well, I'm going to see, like, on my way home, see if anyone stay get coffee over the weekend since I'm going to be home. And then I get home. And I found out she passed away. And so it took a couple days with the keys, like, you know, finding something that I lost. It took a couple of days for me to remember like, Oh, was that Anna? And so I was like, oh my god, that was you trying to tell me. And then later on that night, I found another set of keys that I lost as validation that I need to quit losing my keys, but I'm validation that it was her. Yeah.


I was gonna ask, Well, did we learn a lesson?


Yes, I have a key hook now. I always lose at least one set of keys. But yeah, so when people have passed in my life, and even before my spiritual awakening, like I get signs from them that it is that, you know, from my cousin Jason from an ex boyfriend that passed away from my dad, my friend, like just, I always know it's them. And there's no, like, question. You can't tell me otherwise base. Yeah.


And it's reassuring. Anything. It's just reassuring that they're there and they haven't left. We're here with you. But now they're everywhere. They are. You got to be open to them.


Exactly. Yeah, exactly. I mean, there are times where I'm like, was that a sign? But then there are times where I'm like, No, that was a motherfucking sign? Yeah, no, legit. That was the site. And again, for me if I see a random animal that I normally wouldn't see, or like, yeah, there's a reason why I'm seeing you why. But there's also times where I'm like, oh, there's a penny, a penny, or a dime, you know, and it's like, and I'm like, Oh, well, you know, someone just stopped there change.




I have that one time. We talked about the money. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, sounds like reminding me. But yeah, I


mean, it makes me feel more connected to like, the universe and to the other realms, I guess you could say it really just does. Like, it just makes me feel like there's just more and that I'm connected to more than myself. And I think that's beautiful.


Yep, I think so to


watch for them sign on that. No,


I know. On that note, thank you, both of you for talking science today. And thank you listeners for listening to another episode of our wonderful, lovely podcast. Connect with us at W M F And we will see you next week. Have a great week.